Mission Statement
What we hope to accomplish is to educate the girls at Bassett High School on how to cope with different types of relationships such as romantic, family, and platonic. We want girls to know how to identify if they are in a toxic relationship and how to seek help if they're in a toxic relationship. Our is to teach girls what is healthy and what is toxic in a relationship along with important boundaries that should be set. As with family we want to educate girls on how to resolve a family dispute and how to sympathize with their parents. Sometimes parents go through a rough patch that leads to divorce and we want to educate the girls how to cope with it. As with friends, we want the girls to be able to identify which friends are good for them, which are often the ones who encourage them to do better in life, always making them happy and feel good about themselves. However we also want them to be able to identify the ones who don't encourage them, and don't make them feel good, and help them cut ties with those people. Some tasks we would like to accomplish is broadcasting Instagram lives to communicate with our audience and we would also like to have a motivational speaker. A valuable task we want to take on is a girl on girl discussion about relationship problems, similar to the Red Table Talk.